Cancer Therapy & CUY21
Electroporative Gene Delivery into Tumours using the CUY21 Electroporation System
The CUY21 EDIT and CUY21 SC electroporator range has been used to perform electro-chemotherapy on human skin cancer as a clinical test. Kindly note the article: ‘Electrochemotherapy for digital chondrosarcoma’. In this article, bleomycine is introduced into the tumor by electroporation.
The CUY21 electroporation system has also been used to perform electroporation on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Kindly note the paper titled: ‘Electroporation-mediated Interleukin-12 Gene Therapy for Hepatocellular carcinoma in Mice Models‘. In this paper, genes which express IL-12 are transfected into HCC and the growth of HCC is prohibited. In this paper, while a CUY560-5 electrode is used, we would, however, recommend the CUY560-5-0.3 electrode.